
在最新版本的PassXYZ中,Google,Microsoft和 Facebook等所用的一次性密码都可以用PassXYZ来操作管理了。以前我一直使用Google Authenticator和Microsoft Authenticator来生成一次性密码分别用于登录相关账号。Google Authenticator用于登陆Google,Facebook和GitHub等账号,Microsoft Authenticator专门用于登录Microsoft账号。由于我之前使用的是苹果手机,后来换了一款Android手机,使用后发现中国的手机因为没有Google Services,所以无法安装Microsoft Authenticator,而Google Authenticator虽然可以安装,但工作却不正常。还有一个麻烦的问题是,即使手机可以安装这两个应用,我所有账号的OTP都必需要重新设置,因为无法将原设置从苹果手机导入到新的Android手机上。

因此,在开发PassXYZ时,我就考虑把OTP功能加入到PassXYZ中以方便使用。PassXYZ使用的是KeePass数据库,如果将所有的OTP设置都保存在KeePass数据库中,同时使用PassXYZ来产生一次性密码,我所遇到的问题就都可以迎刃而解了。因为在Android,iOS和Windows 10上都可以使用PassXYZ,跨平台使用不成问题,同时各种数据导入的问题均可以通过云存储同步和备份加以解决。

双因素认证与一次性密码 (OTP)


双因素认证(Two factors Authentication或简称2FA)是多因素验证中较为常用的一种验证方式,即除了用户名密码外,还需要提供另一个身份验证方式来识别用户。目前流行的双因素认证方法中,较为常用的是基于一次性密码(One Time Password 或者简称 OTP)的验证方式。

基于一次性密码(OTP)的验证方法主要有两种形式,一种是通过短信发送一次性密码,另一种是通过专门的应用来产生一次性密码(比如Google Authenticator或PassXYZ)。这两种形式,本质上是一样的,区别仅在于用户获取一次性密码的方式不同。它们各有优缺点,所以大多数互联网服务会同时提供这两种验证机制,以便用户根据自己的需要选择其一。




什么是rfc4226和rfc6238?RFC是英文Request For Comments的缩写,它的意思是等待评审的推荐标准。很多互联网标准都是由RFC衍生而来的。rfc4226和rfc6238就是如何产生一次性密码的推荐标准。







在开启Facebook的双因素认证之前,需要先建立一个Facebook账号。当拥有了一个Facebook 账号后,应该先将相关资料用PassXYZ记录下来。如下图所示,可以在PassXYZ的模板中找到Facebook,然后建立一条关于Facebook的记录。





  • 扫描–用于扫描设置当前账户OTP的二维码
  • 附件–可以添加图片或相关文档
  • 取消–取消编辑
  • 存储–存储当前记录





在上图中,我们可以看到一个”Use two-factor authentication”的选项。选择其右边的编辑键,得到以下页面。


这时,您可以选择使用OTP应用(Authentication App)或短信(Text Message)来生成OTP。如果选择OTP应用的话,就会看到下面的弹出窗口。





Recovery Codes

紧急恢复码(Recovery Codes)是在紧急情况下用来替代OTP的。比如,手机临时无法正常工作时,或在使用短信OTP时遇到网络原因无法收到短信时,此时,就可以使用恢复码来应急。

在PassXYZ中设置好OTP后,可以在Facebook的2FA设置中选择最下面的选项Recovery Codes,来生成一组紧急恢复码。恢复码一般一次产生10个,它们与OTP类似,也是一次性使用的密码。产生的恢复码可以记录在PassXYZ中Facebook条目的便签里,以便查找。因为恢复码是一次性的,每次使用后,应将使用过的恢复码从便签中删除。

PassXYZ和PassXYZ Cloud的Beta测试

为了得到更多用户对PassXYZ新功能的反馈,PassXYZ和PassXYZ Cloud的最新版本都开放了Beta测试,欢迎有兴趣的用户参加。

PassXYZ的Beta测试版本可以通过下面链接在苹果商店,Google Play和Windows商店中安装:



Windows 10



本文介绍了什么是双因素认证以及最常使用的双因素认证验证方法一次性密码(OTP),并在此基础上以Facebook为例,介绍了如何使用PassXYZ来同时管理账户信息和设置与之相关的OTP。用户在使用网络服务时,可以使用PassXYZ来查询账户信息,同时也可以直接用PassXYZ来产生二次验证所需的OTP。PassXYZ所支持的OTP产生机制与Google Authenticator相同,都是基于rfc4226和rfc6238实现的,支持Google,Facebook,GitHub,Dropbox,Aliyuan和Microsoft等常用互联网服务所需的二次验证方法。


PassXYZ是一款跨平台的密码管理软件,可以运行在安卓和苹果手机以及Windows 10上。

您可以通过苹果应用商店微软应用商店Google Play华为应用商店搜索关键字PassXYZ来下载该应用。如果您想获得更多模板或对个人信息安全及管理有兴趣,可以搜索关键字PassXYZ关注公众号。您也可以通过微信号passxyz_kpclib来添加此公众号。PassXYZ公众号专注于个人信息安全及管理的相关知识。

This article introduces how to export and import data files in PassXYZ. Although PassXYZ is developed on top of KeePass library, it is a cross platform application. KeePass can only run on Windows. To take care of various platforms, PassXYZ has to utilize the features provided by different platforms to implement the functionalities for import and export.

As KeePass is a Windows application, it operates files directly. This is a common behavior for Windows application, but not for Android or iOS. Modern mobile platforms like Android or iOS use application sandbox to protect the user data. Mobile applications have very limited access to the file system. Windows 10 introduces Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application which also uses application sandbox. This is very similar to Android and iOS from the point of view of file system.

As the data files of PassXYZ stored in the application data area can take the advantage of application sandbox, the security of user data can be protected by the system itself. For the user data in the application data area, the system also provides the following features:
1. Data backup, Android and iOS can backup user data to the cloud, such as Google Drive or iCloud.
2. System utility, the users can use the utilities provided by the operating system to process user data. For an example, iOS users can use iTunes to import and export user data.
3. Data security, operating system uses data sandbox to isolate user data for different applications to provide better user data security.

Since all data files are stored in the application data area, PassXYZ uses the concept of users instead of using data files directly. To exchange data across devices, PassXYZ provides import and export functions to perform the relevant tasks.

Naming convention of PassXYZ user data files

When PassXYZ user starts to use PassXYZ, PassXYZ will run through a registration process to create the username and password for the user. There will be a data file which matches each username. The naming convention of the data file for a user is shown below:

pass_d_{ encoded username }.xyz


pass_e_{ encoded username }.xyz

The file name extension of PassXYZ data file is .xyz. The prefix of data file indicates the file type.

  • The data file with the prefix “pass_d_“ indicates that this is a normal data file.
  • The data file with the prefix “pass_e_“ indicates that this is a data file with Device Lock enabled.

The user name is a part of the data file name, but it is encoded. The reason why we want to encode the username is because the requirement for the file name is different in different operating systems. With the encoded username, we can bypass the operating system requirements for the file name so that the users can use any username as they like.

Import of data file

PassXYZ users can import PassXYZ data file (.xyz) or KeePass data file (.kdbx) through “Sharing“ function on Android, iOS or Windows. As an example, we use Android system to explain the import process. The import process on iOS or Windows is similar to that of Android.


From the above figure, when a file is selected, it can be shared to PassXYZ or PassXYZ Cloud through “Sharing“ menu.
After selecting PassXYZ in the “Sharing“ menu, we can see the below page in PassXYZ.


If the selected file is a PassXYZ data file, the user name in the data file can be decoded and displayed on the page. If it is a KeePass data file, we need to give a new user name before import. By clicking the “Import“ button, the data file can be imported to the PassXYZ data area.

Export of data file

To export a PassXYZ data file, the system “Sharing“ function can be used as well. From the below figure, we can see that there is an “Export database“ option in the Settings of PassXYZ. After clicking the “Export Database“, the system menu for Sharing will be displayed. The users can choose their preferred options, such as Bluetooth, Email or Cloud Storage etc. to transmit the data file to other devices.


Export data files through Sharing can be used on Android, iOS and Windows. For different platforms, we can also use the platform specific functions to export or import data as well.
On Windows 10, the data file of PassXYZ or PassXYZ Cloud can be accessed directly from the below folders. As you can see, it is very easy to either import or export data files on Windows.
1. PassXYZ data file
2. PassXYZ Cloud data file

For iOS, the users can use iTunes to import or export data files as below.


After launching iTunes, we can choose File Sharing from the menu on the left hand side. A list of application which the data files can be accessed will be displayed. Select PassXYZ in the list, the PassXYZ data files will be shown in the PassXYZ Documents section. Now, the date files are ready for import or export.

Hope this article will be helpful when you import or export PassXYZ data files.

PassXYZ is a cross platform password management software developed using KeePass. PassXYZ can run on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
If you are interested in the personal information management, please add PassXYZ Wechat public account by searching the keyword PassXYZ or link it using Wechat name passxyz_kpclib. The source code of KPCLib can be found at GitHub at

You can also find more information about PassXYZ on its website and install it from Google Play, Apple Store and Microsoft Store.



1. 数据备份,Android和iOS都提供用户数据的备份功能。如Google提供将用户数据备份到Google Drive上,iOS的用户可以用iCloud进行备份。
2. 系统工具,可以使用系统提供的工具来处理用户数据。如在iOS上可以使用iTunes来导入和导出数据。
3. 数据安全,由于应用数据是相互隔离的,数据安全由操作系统保障。



















除了使用系统的分享功能外,在不同的系统中,还可以使用系统特有的方式导出或备份数据文件。在Windows 10上,所有UWP应用数据都存储在目录:%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages。PassXYZ和PassXYZ云可以直接将数据文件同步到下面的目录:
1. PassXYZ的数据文件:
2. PassXYZ云的数据文件:



当运行了iTunes后,可以在左侧的列表中选择“File Sharing”。有数据文件的应用会列在右手边的窗口中。这时选择PassXYZ就可以在“PassXYZ Documents”中看到数据文件了。


PassXYZ是一款跨平台的密码管理软件,可以运行在安卓和苹果手机以及Windows 10上。

您可以通过苹果应用商店微软应用商店Google Play华为应用商店搜索关键字PassXYZ来下载该应用。如果您想获得更多模板或对个人信息安全及管理有兴趣,可以搜索关键字PassXYZ关注公众号。您也可以通过微信号passxyz_kpclib来添加此公众号。PassXYZ公众号专注于个人信息安全及管理的相关知识。


As the data breaches on internet become a serious problem of personal safety of internet users, the old way of authentication using only username and password is vulnerable to the attack. Major network service providers start to use multi-factor authentication to improve the safety of their users.

Multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication or MFA is a method of confirming a user’s claimed identity in which a computer user is granted access only after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence (or factors) to an authentication mechanism. The evidences could be knowledge (something the user and only the user knows, such as password), possession (something the user and only the user has, such as smartcard), or inherence (something the user and only the user is, such as fingerprint).

The popular multi-factor authentication methods used by the banks are:

  • Username/password together with a smartcard/USB token
  • Username/password together with a hardware OTP token

As mainly two factors for the authentication are used, it is also called two-factor authentication or 2FA. With the prevalence of OTP based authentication, the authentication methods such as software OTP generator, SMS based OTP or app pushing notification are also used by many service providers.

Multi-factor authentication in KeePass

KeePass is a famous open source password management tool. It is especially popular in the community of programmers. The built-in MFA support in KeePass looks simple, but KeePass actually provides the richest support of MFA. Many MFA features of KeePass are provided through KeePass plugins which are developed by various open source developers. The MFA support in KeePass can be divided into the following two categories:
1. Multi-factor authentication to access KeePass database, and
2. Using KeePass to store multi-factor authentication data

In this article, let’s focus on the first category of MFA support. The second category will be discussed separately in another article shortly.

The framework in KeePass to support MFA is through Composite Keys and Key Providers. This is a very flexible framework which allows open source developers to contribute to the KeePass MFA development easily. As such, PassXYZ implements its own Key Provider which can be used together with master password to form Composite Keys to encrypt the database.

Besides the new Key Provider developed for PassXYZ, PassXYZ also provides an easy-to-use user interface so that all users can use this feature without any difficulties.

How to use MFA to improve the safety of PassXYZ database

The Key Provider in PassXYZ is implemented as Device Lock. What is Device Lock? If you used mobile banking app before, you might know that you have to bind the app with your device before you can start to use it. The Device Lock in PassXYZ uses a similar concept to improve the safety of PassXYZ database. When a user wants to create a new database, there is an option to enable Device Lock. If the user enables the Device Lock, the database is bound to the current device. Therefore, even if the hacker obtains the database and tries to break it through brute force, they would find that they won’t be able to do it due to the Device Lock. The possibility to break an encrypted data through brute force depends on the level of encryption. Device Lock is a very strong encryption method comparing to master password. When PassXYZ users use Composite Keys with both Device Lock and master password, there is no chance for a hacker to break the database through brute force. This feature is especially important for the users who choose to store their database on the cloud.

How to enable Device Lock

When the users create a new database, they can enable Device Lock through a switch as shown below at the bottom of SignUp page.


After turn on this switch, the new database is created with Device Lock enabled.

How to use Device Lock enabled database on another device

If the users create a database with Device Lock enabled and want to transfer it to another device thereafter, they won’t be able to access this database in the new device due to the Device Lock. If the users do want to use Device Lock enabled database on multiple devices, they can actually follow the steps below:
1. Transfer the database to another device first
2. Find the Device Lock Key on the current device
3. Scan the QR code of Device Lock Key through the new device

In step 1, there are multiple ways to transfer the database to another device. With PassXYZ Cloud, the transfer is very easy. Users just need to turn on the synchronization of the database on the new device. Other than synchronization through the cloud, users can also export the database through the Sharing function of the system. In the Settings menu, there is an option Export database. By clicking this option, a sharing dialog will be displayed by the system. The users can choose Bluetooth, email or other methods provided by the system to transfer the database to another device. After importing the database, the users will be able to see the login screen as below:


As you can see, the password field is disabled temporarily in the above login screen. The users therefore cannot just login using master password. A hint is displayed at the bottom of the page which tells the users that a Device Lock Key is needed to access this database. Now the users can click the scanning button beside the password field to scan the Device Lock Key QR code on the original device.

The QR code of Device Lock Key can be found in the Settings of the original device. In the Settings page, there is a Security Settings option as shown in the below screenshot.


After selecting the Security Settings option, a popup window with two options will be displayed as below.

  1. Device Lock Key QR code
  2. Export Device Lock Key to a file


The users can choose either of the ways to transfer the Device Lock Key to the new device. After the Device Lock Key is imported on the new device, the users can login as usual.

How to enable Device Lock for the existing database

For the safety reason, the users may want to enable Device Lock for their existing database. This can be done through the following steps:
1. Go to Settings and select Security Settings
2. In the popup windows, provide a new username for creating the new database, and click Import

If the Device Lock is disabled, the users can find the Security Settings as shown in the screenshot below.


To convert the current database to a new one with the Device Lock enabled, the users can click the Security Settings. The following page for the data converting will be then displayed.


In this page, the users need to give the new database a name and click the Import button thereafter to create the new database with Device Lock enabled. After confirming that everything is ok in the new database, the users may choose to delete the old one.

Security Analysis of PassXYZ Device Lock

As above, we have explained what the Device Lock is and how we can use it. Now, let’s do some analysis about the security of Device Lock. It will be hard for most of the readers to understand if we are to analyze the security of an encryption function directly. To make it simple, we can compare Device Lock with the similar implementation in 1Password. Secret Key in 1Password is a very similar feature comparing to Device Lock in PassXYZ. There is an article which introduces what Secret Key is and how it works. Below is a diagram from that article which tells us about Password Entropy and the quality of password.


From the above diagram, we can see that with the combination of master password and Device Lock (or Secret Key), we can achieve more than 128bits of entropy. The Master Password that people can memorize, on average, will only be strong as about 40 bits of entropy. Device Lock or Secret Key doesn’t need to be memorized, so it can be much stronger. With 128 bits of entropy, it is infeasible to guess no matter how much money or computing power an attacker has.

Usually, an attacker tries to guess the password through enumerating all the possible combination of available characters. How long time will each guess take is a key factor to the success of an attack. In the design of encryption, we usually use a Key Derivation algorithm to achieve this. In 1Password, the algorithm PBKDF2 is used. In KeePass, there are many algorithms can be used, such as AES-KDF or Argon2 etc. Since Argon2 is the winner of Password Hashing Competition, it is the default Key Derivation algorithm used by KeePass. Based on the introduction of Key Derivation algorithm, let’s look at another diagram from 1Password concerning Key Derivation algorithm and password entropy.


As we can see from the above diagram, given the complexity of Key Derivation algorithm and password entropy, we can estimate the amount of time to discover the master password under a particular hardware configuration. For the average password strength with about 40 bits entropy, it takes about 2 weeks to 2 months to discover the master password. But, when the password entropy goes above 65 bits, the amount of time needed to discover the master password will be a very large number which is almost impossible for an attacker to complete.


For the safety of PassXYZ database, it is suggested to enable Device Lock for all new databases. To backup the Device Lock Key, the users may wish to print a hard copy of the QR code and keep it in a safe place. For the users who want to store their database on the cloud so as to take the advantage of synchronization and backup, Device Lock can keep their database much safer. Without Device Lock enabled, the database may be vulnerable under the brute force attack.

PassXYZ is a cross platform password management software developed using KeePass. PassXYZ can run on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
If you are interested in the personal information management, please add PassXYZ Wechat public account by searching the keyword PassXYZ or link it using Wechat name passxyz_kpclib. The source code of KPCLib can be found at GitHub at

You can also find more information about PassXYZ on its website and install it from Google Play, Apple Store and Microsoft Store.


随着网络用户数据的泄露问题日益严重,单纯使用用户名和密码来保护用户资料已不够安全。主要的网络服务都开始使用多因素验证来进一步保护用户数据安全。多因素验证的英文是Multi-factor authentication,常缩写为MFA



  • 用户名密码和智能卡(U盾)
  • 用户名密码和密码器


因为主要使用了两个独立的因素进行认证,也叫双因子认证。英文是Two-factor authentication或简称2FA。随着网络科技的发展,其他形式的验证方式也逐渐地被采用,如通过应用推送的一次性密码,通过短信发送的一次性密码等。



  1. KeePass数据库的多因素验证支持,需要通过多因素验证才能打开数据库;
  2. KeePass本身也可以用来存储多因素验证信息,或当作多因素验证工具使用



KeePass对MFA的支持是通过组合密钥(Composite Keys)和密钥服务(Key Providers)组成的框架来实现的。PassXYZ对MFA的支持正是延用了这个框架,同时充分考虑了普通用户的使用习惯,设计了非常简洁易用的用户界面,使用户开启和使用PassXYZ的多因素验证不会遇到任何困难。

通过使用MFA来增强Pass XYZ的数据安全






1. 将数据库导出到另一台设备
2. 在当前设备上找到设备锁的二维码
3. 在导入设备上扫描设备锁的二维码

如果想将数据库传输到另一台设备上,PassXYZ云版的用户在OneDrive上直接选择同步就可以了。除了云同步,PassXYZ或PassXYZ云版的用户都可以在设置中找到“导出”选项。点击“导出”后,可以选择系统所提供的数据传输方法,比如蓝牙或邮件等。由于PassXYZ支持安卓,苹果和Windows 10三个平台,每个平台所提供的选择会略有不同。当成功导入数据库后,在新设备登陆页就会看到如下图所示的界面。















前面解释了什么是设备锁以及如何在PassXYZ中使用设备锁。那么如何来定量的分析设备锁的安全性呢?对于一般用户来说,详细的基于密码学的分析太过专业,很难让普通用户看懂。这里我们可以用比较的方法来说明这个问题。密码软件1Password也有与PassXYZ设备锁类似的功能叫Secret Key。在1Password介绍Secret Key的文章中使用了下面的图表来表示密码强度与数据安全之间的关系。


从上图中可以看到,当使用主密码和设备锁(或Security Key)的组合时,密码强度可以大于128bits。由于密码强度跟记忆的容易性成反比,所以一般不会使用密码强度超过60bits的密码。我们通常使用的密码复杂强度(Amount of Entropy)大致在40bits左右。使用1Password的Secret Key或PassXYZ的设备锁时,密码强度都超过128bits。

一般暴力破解是通过尝试所有可能的密码组合来找到真正的密码,所以每次尝试所需的时间是防止暴力破解的另一个关键因素。增加每次尝试所需的时间是目前数据加密软件通用的防暴力破解方法,这种增时算法叫做密钥推导(Key Derivation)算法。在1Password中使用的是PBKDF2算法,而KeePass则支持多种算法,如AES-KDF和Argon2等。由于Argon2是密码哈希竞赛(Password Hashing Competition)中的冠军算法,KeePass采用的缺省算法就是Argon2。基于以上介绍,我们再来看看下面一张1Password的统计图。


从上图中可以看到,通过控制密钥推导(Key Derivation)算法的复杂度和密码强度,我们就可以估算出使用某种计算设备时,破解密码所需的时间。普通密码的强度在40bits左右,破解所需的时间在两周至两个月左右。当密码强度超过65bits时,破解所需的时间已经几乎是天文数字了。



PassXYZ是一款跨平台的密码管理软件,可以运行在安卓和苹果手机以及Windows 10上。

您可以通过苹果应用商店微软应用商店Google Play华为应用商店搜索关键字PassXYZ来下载该应用。如果您想获得更多模板或对个人信息安全及管理有兴趣,可以搜索关键字PassXYZ关注公众号。您也可以通过微信号passxyz_kpclib来添加此公众号。PassXYZ公众号专注于个人信息安全及管理的相关知识。



黑客获取用户数据的手段(拖库/data breaches)

为了说明拖库,洗库和撞库这三者之间的关系,以下选用了启明星辰安星web 安全运维团队在总结2011大规模数据泄露研究报告中的一张图。这张图非常清楚地说明了这三个环节之间的相互关系。





其实不然,在这方面比乌云网更出名的类似网站还有”Have I been Pwned?”(HIBP)。2013年底,网络安全专家Troy Hunt意识到当时的用户数据泄露已经达到了无法控制的地步,所以他决定与其让黑客独享这些数据,不如把所能获取到的数据制作成可以搜索的数据库,让普通用户也可以很容易地知道自己的资料是否已经泄露了。如果您还没有听说过这个网站,建议您可以去这个网站上检查一下自己账号的安全性。HIBP网站的网址是:。如下图HIBP网首页站所显示,到目前为止HIBP所记录的被泄露的用户数已高达50多亿。







前面我们谈到的是用户数据是如何被泄露的,以及目前用户数据的泄露问题有多严重。那么,当黑客获取到某个网站的用户数据后,这些数据是如何被利用的呢?基本上,被盗取的数据分成两部分:第一部分是以明文形式存储的用户信息,比如,姓名、电话号码、邮件地址等,更严重的可能还包括身份证号码、信用卡、银行账号等敏感信息。黑客可以把这些信息打包出售给不同的非法使用者。第二部分就是加密过的用户密码。为了最大程度地保护用户信息安全,大多数网站一般都是采用加密方式来存储用户密码,而不是明文存储。前面提到的HIBP网站上已泄露的用户密码就是存储的密码Hash值而不是明文。如果您想了解更多关于Hash算法的介绍,可以参考另一篇文章网络信息安全领域中常见的几个概念。黑客需要破解经Hash算法加密后的密码才能使用这一部分数据。用于破解密码Hash值的主要方法是碰撞攻击(Collision attack),维基百科上对Collision attack有非常详细的介绍。当黑客利用Collision attack将破解了的用户密码和用户名配对制成一张表格后,黑客就可以利用这张表来进行第二轮攻击了。




1. 不要使用同一用户名和密码来注册所有的网络服务。这无疑是最不安全的做法;
2. 提高密码的复杂程度。建议使用8位以上,数字、字母和符号的组合密码;
3. 对于重要的账号开启多重验证方法,如密码加短信,密码加OTP验证等。







PassXYZ是一款跨平台的密码管理软件,可以运行在安卓和苹果手机以及Windows 10上。

您可以通过苹果应用商店微软应用商店Google Play华为应用商店搜索关键字PassXYZ来下载该应用。如果您想获得更多模板或对个人信息安全及管理有兴趣,可以搜索关键字PassXYZ关注公众号。您也可以通过微信号passxyz_kpclib来添加此公众号。PassXYZ公众号专注于个人信息安全及管理的相关知识。






大家可能有这样的疑问:既然要编辑有格式的文件,为什么不直接用MS Word呢?其实,有非常多的原因要使用Markdown格式,举几个例子:
1. Markdown文件用任何编辑工具都可以编辑,而MS Word只能用几种软件编辑。
2. 可以很容易地把Markdown转换成其他基于文本格式的标记语言,如HTML等。
3. Markdown很容易掌握,或者说基本不用学。这点可能是Markdown流行的最重要的原因吧。








在PassXYZ支持Markdown之前,没有任何密码管理软件是直接支持Markdown格式的。但是,几乎所有密码管理软件都包括一项功能,那就是安全笔记(Secure Notes) 。这个功能是让使用者可以记录一些安全性要求很高的事项。由于不支持任何格式,安全笔记的可读性不高。当记录的内容稍长时就不容易阅读了。安全笔记是经常会被使用到的一项功能,同样是文本编辑,加入了Markdown支持后,安全笔记的可读性显著的增强了。下图就是使用安全笔记的PassXYZ使用说明的显示效果。可以看到,当使用Markdown后,安全笔记的显示效果基本上跟大多数网络文章的显示效果一样。由于编辑和显示是不一样的,所以加入Markdown支持的安全笔记就有显示和编辑两个模式。之前的安全笔记只是一个简单的文本编辑器,编辑和显示是没有区别的。加入了Markdown支持后,在显示模式的右上角有一个笔状的图标,点击后就切换到文本编辑模式了。



从上面的例子我们可以看到,Markdown对普通用户来说基本没有使用难度,但所带来的阅读体验的提升却是非常显著的。稍微添加一些Markdown标记可以使您的笔记具有类似MS Word的效果。




以上介绍了什么是Markdown,以及如何在PassXYZ中使用Markdown来增强安全笔记的效果。笔记类软件与专业的编辑软件各有优缺点,它们分别适合在不同的场合使用。专业编辑软件如MS Word很适合用来写正规的文章,但如果不使用电脑,没有鼠标,基本上很难使用。这也是为什么很少人在手机上用MS Word来写文章的原因。而Markdown只需要加上简单的文本编辑,就非常适合在移动应用中使用。使用Markdown加简单的文本编辑器,就如同我们在发短信时使用“:)”来代替“笑脸”的效果一样。加两个简单的符号,在阅读模式时看到的就是一个可爱的笑脸了。



您可以通过苹果应用商店微软应用商店Google Play华为应用商店搜索关键字PassXYZ来下载该应用。如果您想获得更多模板或对个人信息安全及管理有兴趣,可以搜索关键字PassXYZ关注公众号。您也可以通过微信号passxyz_kpclib来添加此公众号。PassXYZ公众号专注于个人信息安全及管理的相关知识。


Markdown has been used by programmers for many years. However, many people may still not know what Markdown is. As a programmer, you may know what Markdown is, but does it have anything to do with Password Management apps? In the latest version of PassXYZ, Markdown is supported as part of the Secure Notes function. In this article, we will find out what Markdown is and how to use it to make your secure notes looking similar to Microsoft Word.

What is Markdown?

In Wikipedia, the definition of Markdown is as follows:

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor.

Please pay attention to the highlighted key words plain text editor. With Markdown, you can edit rich text using a plain text editor. That means you can edit contents with Markdown using any editors. This is a very useful feature in many situations. You may be wondering why we want to use Markdown with a plain text editor instead of using software like Microsoft Word to create rich text documents. There are many reasons to use Markdown. Some of them are listed below:

  1. You can edit plain text with Markdown using almost any editors. You can only use MS Word to edit Word documents. To edit rich text like Word documents, you may have to use a PC with a mouse. You don’t have this constraint to edit plain text with Markdown.
  2. It is very easy to convert Markdown to other rich text format such as HTML or MS Word etc.
  3. Markdown is super easy to use. There is not any difficulty to use it and this may be the most import reason why Markdown is so popular to be used to create online contents.

How easy to use Markdown? Please refer to the below figure. This is a comparison of the resulting look and feel of this article in the editing mode and the reading mode respectively. On the left hand side, it shows that this article was edited using Markdown in editing mode, while on the right hand side, shows the article in the reading mode.

As we can see from the picture on the left, editing text with Markdown is very similar to what we usually do when editing a document or a message. Once the edited document or message is displayed in the reading mode, the result looks fabulous indeed as shown on the right.


Markdown Cheat Sheet

Below is a brief summary of frequently used Markdown markup. You can find more on internet by searching keyword Markdown.


The Usage of Markdown

Initially, Markdown is a slightly formatted plain text used by programmers to add comments in the source code or to create a readme for the source code. For an example, Markdown is used extensively in GitHub for various purposes. Later on, people started to use this kind of markup to write online contents, such as blog or web page etc. Nowadays, many popular sites, such as GitHub, Bitbucket, Reddit, Stack Exchange and SourceForge use variants of Markdown to facilitate discussions between users.

Markdown and Password Management Software

PassXYZ is the first Password Management Software which provides the use of Markdown. Secure Notes is a function in almost all the Password Management software. It is a function to allow the users to take down the notes of sensitive information securely. Using plain text, it is not easy to read if the content of the note goes long without any format. With Markdown added, the readability of the Secure Notes enhanced significantly. Below is a figure of a built-in note in PassXYZ. The title “How to use PassXYZ” is a brief explanation of the usage of PassXYZ. As we can see, it is very similar to a document edited using MS Word or HTML. With Markdown support, the editing is done in the editing mode and the view of document is in the reading mode. This is the difference comparing to plain text, as in the plain text, there is no difference between editing and reading. In the below figure, there is a Pen icon on the top right of the screen. By clicking it, the note will be switched to its editing mode.


Embedded HTML inside Markdown

From the above example, we can see that there is no learning curve to use Markdown for most of the users. With Markdown support, we can create a document on mobile device with similar result of MS Word or HTML. If you have experiences in writing blog or creating your own website, you may have learnt or known HTML. Usually, Markdown allows mixing together with HTML language to present content. With embedded HTML, you can get Secure Notes to do more things comparing to the pure Markdown documents. The following example explains more. A typical Sample Entry that you can find once you install KeePass on Windows is recreated as shown in the below figure.


As you can see, we used an HTML table to recreate a KeePass sample entry. Inside the table, we can use a password control to present the password field in KeePass. We can click the small checkbox next to the password field to show or hide the password. With embedded HTML, we can recreate almost all different entries supported by either KeePass or PassXYZ. The expense is that you have to know HTML, and the editing effort is much more than that of the normal entry. This is just a simple example to show the power of the mixed usage of HTML and Markdown. You can explore more on your own with this function in PassXYZ.

In this article, we have introduced what Markdown is and how Markdown helps us in the Secure Notes of PassXYZ. For the professional editing software, such as MS Word and lightweight notes in mobile devices, they have their own advantages or limitations. It will be difficult to use MS Word without a PC and a mouse. However, there is not any difficulty to use the Secure Notes of PassXYZ in mobile devices. In the Secure Notes, you can add simple Markdown markups to enjoy a similar effect just as you add a “:)” to show a smiley face when you send a message.

We hope that PassXYZ users can use Markdown to create their own personalized secure notes without any difficulties after reading this article.

If you are interested in the personal information management, please add PassXYZ Wechat public account by searching the keyword PassXYZ or link it using Wechat name passxyz_kpclib. The source code of KPCLib can be found at GitHub at

You can also find more information about PassXYZ on its website and install it from Google Play, Apple Store and Microsoft Store.

OneDrive File

Password management software is actually needed by everyone nowadays, but not all of the people know how to use it. We can find lots of password management software on various App Stores. According to the storage of password data, they can be divided into two categories, namely, local storage and cloud storage. The advantage of local storage is that it is the safest way to store data since the users have absolute control over the data files. The issue of local storage is that the users have to manage all data files by themselves, thus, they have to spend time to backup data and synchronize data among their devices. To get rid of this burden, many users may choose apps with cloud storage support. Comparing to local storage, the users of cloud storage do not have to take care of the backup and synchronization by themselves since the apps will perform the same through cloud. However, in term of security, the cloud storage may incur data leak. The users should therefore use a more complicated master password to protect their data.

Currently, the popular password management software, including 1Password, LastPass and KeePass etc., can be found and downloaded from either the App Stores or their respective websites. Out of these popular password management apps, KeePass is the most famous open source solution available on the market. However, KeePass supports only Windows platform. PassXYZ and PassXYZ Cloud are KeePass compatible software supporting Android, iOS and Windows 10.

PassXYZ and PassXYZ Cloud

The reason why two versions of PassXYZ were developed is because there are different users who concern differently about security and convenience. Some users prefer to use offline app to store their data, and some would like to use cloud storage for the convenience.

PassXYZ is the version for the use of local storage only. There is no built-in networking functionality, the users therefore have to backup and synchronize data on their own. As long as the users store their data safely, there should not have the risk of data leak. Also, there are many ways for the backup and synchronization across devices, such as Bluetooth, sharing local storage etc.

PassXYZ Cloud is the version with integrated cloud storage. In term of cloud storage, there are many ways to use it. The simplest way of using cloud storage is to use the functionalities provided by the operating system. If the data are stored in the cloud storage area providing by the operating system, you can use the cloud storage automatically. This is the case for OneDrive on Windows 10. It also applies to Google Drive on Android and iCloud on Apple devices. For PassXYZ, as we want to bring seamless user experiences on using cloud storage in different platforms (Android, iOS and Windows 10), the additional work has to be done to support the same. By supporting cloud storage regardless of platforms, it will help the users in many cases on top of backup and synchronization. For an example, when you change your Android phone to a new Apple phone, you do not have to worry about the change from Android system to iOS system. All your previous data can be synchronized to your new Apple device in the same way as your Android phone.

File or Folder synchronization status

No matter how you use cloud storage, you may have noticed the differences between cloud storage and local storage in your system. Let’s recapture the differences using OneDrive as an example.

OneDrive File

Even though the user interface of cloud storage is very similar to that of the local storage, as we can see from the above figure, there is an extra column in the File Explorer to show the current status of cloud data. There are different icons to show the status of files or folders. Below is a table to explain the meaning of various icons.

OneDrive File

The above table is a summary based on OneDrive. You can find similar icons on either Google Drive or iCloud. Once you get familiar with one of the systems, you will not have problems to use any of them.

How to use PassXYZ Cloud

PassXYZ Cloud uses OneDrive as cloud storage for all platforms. The reason why to choose OneDrive is because OneDrive provides the best support on various platforms including Android and iOS. Microsoft Graph API includes rich programming interfaces for their cloud services. Microsoft also provides a client library to use Microsoft Graph API for Xamarin apps. Since PassXYZ is developed using Xamarin, the development cycle can be reduced significantly using Microsoft Graph API client library.

Now we use Android user interface as an example to explain how to use PassXYZ Cloud. Windows 10 and iOS have a very similar user interface. To enable cloud storage, the users can select OneDrive from the menu as shown in below figure.


Once you select OneDrive from the menu, you can see the OneDrive setup page as shown below. At the top of this page, there is an option to login to OneDrive and another option to turn on/off synchronization notification. After you login to OneDrive, a list of files will be displayed. You can enable or disable cloud storage on individual file using Context Action for that item. If you do not know what the Context Action is, you may refer to this article called Comparison of Context Action Menu of PassXYZ on Different Systems.


You can also enable cloud synchronization for both local files and cloud files. Once you turn on the cloud synchronization, the status will be changed to the one as shown in the below figure. When the synchronization is completed, a green tick will be shown as the status.


As long as the cloud synchronization is enabled, PassXYZ Cloud will synchronize with cloud automatically whenever there is a change to the data file. You can monitor the synchronization events through the notification setting. If you turn on the synchronization notification, you will get a message in the system notification tray whenever the synchronization is started or stopped. On the contrary, for a synchronized file, you can make it local only by disabling the synchronization.

Merge method

For the cloud support, there are actually two kinds of architecture. The first architecture is that you can put everything in cloud and all changes are made in cloud only. This kind of architecture usually uses in financial transaction system, but some password management software also use this kind of architecture. The advantage of this architecture is that all the changes are made in cloud, thus, there is no need to maintain a local copy. No merge is needed. The problem of this kind of app is that it relies on network and network bandwidth. It cannot work offline. Any data leak or damage in the cloud will be a disaster.

The second architecture is the one that we used in PassXYZ Cloud which is the same as OneDrive, Google Drive and iCloud. A local copy is always maintained to shadow the one in the cloud. The changes are always made in the local copies, and then synchronized with the cloud. The problem of this kind of architecture is that there may be conflicts when merging the local copy with the cloud. If the same record is changed on different devices at the same time, there will be a conflict. We need to decide which version should be kept in this case. To resolve this issue, we need to set the merge method in the setting to tell PassXYZ how to handle the conflict.


The above figure lists all the merge methods supported by KeePass library. To be simple, we discuss two of them here to help you plan your own strategy on conflict handling. For the simple usage, we can use two merge methods KeepExisting and Synchronize. KeepExisting means local copy has higher priority over cloud copy. When there is a conflict, the local version will overwrite the cloud version. In contrast, Synchronize means cloud copy has higher priority over local copy. When there is a conflict, the cloud version will overwrite the local version. Based on this definition, you can keep one device as the main one to make all the changes. The merge method on this main device can be set as KeepExisting while the rest of the devices should be set as Synchronize. As KeePass merge is record based, you can add a new record on any devices without any problems. However, when you change an existing record, you are recommended to do it in the main device. You may wish to try and test other merge methods by yourself and find the best way that can work for you.

Having read this article, you may have a better understanding on the differences between local storage and cloud storage for the password database management. From now on, you may be in a better position to choose a version which is suitable for you.

If you are interested in the personal information management, please add PassXYZ Wechat public account by searching the keyword PassXYZ or link it using Wechat name passxyz_kpclib. You can also find more information about PassXYZ on its website and install it from Google Play, Apple Store and Microsoft Store.

OneDrive File


目前主要流行的密码管理软件有1Password,LastPass和KeePass等。PassXYZ和PassXYZ云就是KeePass兼容的密码管理软件。KeePass本身只支持Windows,而PassXYZ是可以在Android,iOS和Windows 10上运行的KeePass兼容软件。




PassXYZ云是一个集成了云存储的版本。对云存储的支持有很多层面,在同一平台上支持云存储比较容易,但跨平台就相对比较复杂。比如,在Windows上OneDrive是集成在Windows 10之中的,只要将数据存储在OneDrive目录下,用户就可以在所有设备上使用。同样的,在Android上有Google Drive,在苹果上有iCloud。如果想在不同系统的设备,如,Android、iOS和Windows 10之间共享云存储,就需要开发者做额外的开发了。PassXYZ云就是一个支持多个平台的版本,不同设备之间都可以共享同个云存储。比如说您更换了不同款手机,这时就会发现PassXYZ云版的便利。



OneDrive File


OneDrive File

这些同步状态,在其他的云平台,如Google Drive和iCloud中都有类似的状态。熟悉一种后,其他的云平台使用是非常类似的。


PassXYZ云对云存储的支持是建立在OneDrive之上的。之所以选择OneDrive,是因为OneDrive的跨平台支持最完善。Microsoft Graph API提供了非常完善的编程接口,Xamarin应用可以非常方便地使用Microsoft Graph API来实现云存储支持。

PassXYZ云支持Android、iOS和Windows 10。这里,我们用Android的用户界面来举例讲解,其他平台是类似的。首先,在PassXYZ云版菜单中选择OneDrive来控制文件的同步设置,如下图所示。








基于云存储的数据管理其实有两种。第一种是把整个数据库都放在云端,这样所有设备都直接从云端读取数据。第二种是我们常见的云端存储,这种云存储直接操作的是本地映像文件。当本地映像文件被更改后,系统会将它与云端同步。OneDrive,Google Drive和iCloud都是属于后者。








您可以通过苹果应用商店微软应用商店Google Play华为应用商店搜索关键字PassXYZ来下载该应用。如果您想获得更多模板或对个人信息安全及管理有兴趣,可以搜索关键字PassXYZ关注公众号。您也可以通过微信号passxyz_kpclib来添加此公众号。PassXYZ公众号专注于个人信息安全及管理的相关知识。
